Friday, December 5, 2008

Week in Review

So, ok. I know I haven't been doing the most awesome by any stretch of the imagination at doing this whole "saving money" deal, but this is how this week went in terms of saving (if we didn't have store cards or doubling Q's):

kmart: paid 25.70 would have paid 42.70
kroger: paid 55.17, would have paid 86.93
cvs: paid 7.53 would have paid 9.99
cvs: paid .86 would have paid 36.48
cvs: paid 3.35 would have paid 9.98
cvs: paid 00 would have paid 13.97
kroger: paid 4.67 would have paid 12.54

overall paid: 97.28 would have paid 212.59

54% savings so far this week. Meh.

I still have $36.98 in ecb's though.

I can do better.

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